Final week

1. Circles using neon perspex  2. MDF diamonds  3. Large scale clear perspex diamonds

1. Balloon piping sandwiched inside pvc  2. Pipe lagging in-between pvc  3. Wadding stuffed inside pvc cowed tarpaulin with added tassels and giant decorative stitching.
This final week I have been developing my laser cut samples experimenting with size, material, colour and shape. I am gaining a good understanding of what affects the shape of the surface and will continue to develop this in Unit X. I also need to explore how to secure the pieces allowing the surface to be applied to a more commercial context such as jewellery.

I have also been pushing the scale of piping using balloons and pipe lagging instead of tubes and using the eyelets instead of sewing on the machine. I like the industrial, clean finish of these samples, and have started to try using cords to stitch through the eyelets. This could work as an interactive surface, allowing users to add their own materials. I have also begun to combine tassels to the surface, bringing back the fun element of my earlier work. There is lots to experiment with for this strand of my work and will continue to explore during unit X. Pushing the scale has also opened up the context for the work, making them good for outdoor seating