This project I have met with a couple of students to talk about potential collaborations. Soo Ty is fashion design student who shares a similar contextual references and an interest into expandable surfaces/garments. Although we loved each others work and there was a real potential for a great project, we agreed that we didn't have enough time realise it along side the work load we already had. I also thought that the aesthetics we are working towards didn't really gel.
Hoda is on 3D Design course she approached me after seeing my space in the studio. We had a few chats about collaborating on a light, using my surfaces. However, I think the project wasn't going to be a balanced collaboration as Hoda's own work is not quite developed enough to insert her creative aesthetic into the project, and although it is great that a student wants to make my work into a light, I wouldn't want the project to use up the time she needs to invest into her own practice.
Both were positive experiences and I would feel confident to approach someone again in the future with collaboration in mind.